A Beccles teenager accused of making indecent photographs of six schoolgirls and persuading two others to strip or send him naked pictures has been ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register.

Travis Fairhead, of Guildhall Road, appeared at Ipswich Crown Court on Friday, September 16, for a plea hearing, where the 19-year-old admitted causing or inciting a nine-year-old girl to engage in sexual activity by asking her to send him pictures of her body and having conversations about sex with her.

He also admitted a similar charge in relation to a 10-year-old girl by asking her to take off her clothes and having conversations about sex with her.

Fairhead also admitted five offences of making indecent pictures of girls aged between 12 and 16, and one offence of making indecent images of an unidentified girl.

The court heard that Fairhead, who has ADHD, was only 17 at the time of some of the offences.

Judge Emma Peters adjourned sentence until November 18 to allow a pre-sentence report to be prepared on Fairhead, who has no previous convictions.