A village industrial estate could be demolished to make way for a huge new care home. 

Developers are seeking to build a 75-bed facility alongside eight new houses at the Langley Road site in Chedgrave. 

This would require all of the existing buildings to be knocked down and would change the face of a key route through the village and into Loddon. 

This would be the second large care home in the area, with the 45-bedroom Beauchamp House located off the same road. 

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The proposals include the clearance of all existing buildings and the construction of eight three-bed homes, a 75-bed care home complete with a cafe, and new private leisure spaces for those living in the new complex. 

The developers say many of the units are already vacant and the remaining businesses have been instructed to leave by the end of the year to make way for the scheme. 

The initial designs show the three-storey care home, which would be located opposite the White Horse pub, becoming a key feature of the village landscape. 

There have been several large developments agreed in the area over recent months, including the construction of a new housing estate off Beccles Road in Loddon. 

The houses are set to be located directly next to another approved development of 180 properties, which could result in a significant boost to the population of the town, currently at around 2,000.

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Designs for the new care homeDesigns for the new care home (Image: Illustrate Architects) The adjoining village of Chedgrave has a population of around 1,100. 

Local people raised concerns about the impact of these developments on local services, in particular the GP surgery and schools, as well as increased traffic on the high street through Loddon. 

The latest proposals for a new care home will be considered by South Norfolk Council in due course.