More than 30pc of drivers sped along a town's high street over the course of a month, shock data reveals.

A SAM2 monitor recorded data from nearly 51,000 vehicles travelling from Church Plain towards Beccles Road in Loddon High Street from August 26 to September 21.

The report showed some drivers going double the 20mph limit on Loddon High Street, with others hitting 45mph. 

In a graph, the data shows that while 49pc of the drivers were recorded going 15 to 20mph, 27pc were going between 20 to 25mph. 

READ MORE: Calls for Loddon High Street to be made one-way for traffic

The graph shows the number of vehicles and what speed they were recorded travelling atThe graph shows the number of vehicles and what speed they were recorded travelling at (Image: Loddon Town Council) READ MORE: Talks are being had about Loddon Staithe footbridge

A further 1,589 drivers were going between 25 to 30mph and 168 drivers were going between 30 to 35mph.

14 people were recorded driving between 35 to 40mph. 

Andy Woodman, chairman of Loddon Town Council, said in a council meeting: "Three people thought it was safe to do 40 to 45mph going through the High Street."

The monitor has been moved and is now recording the volume and speed of vehicles going towards Church Plain on The High Street. 

This comes after the Loddon Town Council agreed to undertake a survey in the town centre to consider a one-way system.