The launch of Bungay’s Great Harry Potter Reading Marathon is now less than six weeks away – with readers eagerly looking forward to taking part.

The Town Reeve of Bungay, Terry Reeve, is planning to support the town’s historic Fisher Theatre with the novel and an ambitious challenge to get together a team of 100 people to read - out loud - all seven Harry Potter novels over a four-week period.

Mr Reeve said: "Plans are going well.

"Bungay’s two primary schools are getting involved and pupils will be among the readers in the marathon, which starts on Monday, October 28.

"We could still do with more people coming forward to take part – it’s not too late to join in the fun."

Those taking part is challenged to raise £100 in sponsorship as part of Mr Reeve’s target to raise £10,000 to support the theatre during his year of office.

Mr Reeve chose the Harry Potter novels to read as the first editions were printed in the town, at Clay’s Bookprinters, who are also supporting the project.

"In all we will be reading for 120 hours, with each reader doing 30 minutes at a time," he said.

"It will be a challenge to read all seven novels - containing 1,100,086 words in all - in that time, but we will give it a go."

Those taking part are being encouraged to dress in costumes relevant to the novels, and everyone taking part will receive a certificate.

For children, there will be a prize for the best fancy dress over the four-weeks.

People are also welcome to listen to the readings at any time – with readings from 10am to 3pm six days a week (not Sundays) until November 23.

"There will be hundreds of people in Bungay and district of all ages who are Harry Potter fans and would enjoy taking part in this challenge.

"We also welcome sponsorship support from local shops and businesses."

Forms to take part in the reading marathon, and sponsor forms, are available at the Fisher Theatre or from the Town Reeve.