A Kenyan tea farmer is reuniting with a Suffolk town to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight this September.

Patrick Kaberia is travelling more than 4,000 miles to return to Beccles following his 2016 visit.

As part of his hectic schedule,  Mr Kaberia, who is the Patron of the Suffolk Association of Fairtrade Towns, will be visiting several of Suffolk’s nine Fairtrade towns.

Mr Kaberia is renowned as an ambassador for Fairtrade, an initiative aimed at improving prices, working conditions, and fair trade terms for agriculturists and labourers in developing nations.

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His collaborations include working with Beccle's Sir John Leman High School, which first connected with him via video link in 2021.

In turn, school students will film Mr Kaberia's visit as part of the Growing Up with Fairtrade video slated for distribution to all Suffolk schools.

The programme also involves meetings with supporters, local businesses retailing Fairtrade products, and the general public at Beccles Library on September 23 from 11am to 12.45pm.

For more on Beccles' Fairtrade activities, search for it on Facebook.