Police arrested a man following a prank that made Liz Truss storm off a stage during a talk to promote her book.

The individual was detained by officers outside Beccles Public Hall last night after the event came to an abrupt halt when activists unfurled a banner depicting a lettuce and the words "I crashed the economy".

It is thought he was responsible for controlling the remote-controlled sign, which was unveiled behind her while she was on stage being interviewed by the event host, Richard Melchior.

When the former prime minister realised what was happening she left the stage and the event, to promote her book, came to a close.

An audience member, who did not wish to be named said: "The man was detained outside after the event finished by two police officers, who were also surrounded by what appeared to be Ms Truss' security detail.

"He appeared to be the instigator of the stunt," the audience member said.

"He was very calm and did not show any resistance. He seemed quite pleased with himself and was enjoying the moment."

A spokesman for Suffolk Constabulary said: "A 50-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of burglary other than dwelling - with intent to commit damage following an event at Beccles Public Hall and Theatre.

"He was taken to Great Yarmouth Police Investigation Centre for questioning. He has since been released without charge and will face no further action.”

Ben Stewart, a member of Led By Donkeys, the activist group behind the stunt, attended the event.

He said: “We just wanted to remind people, do not take this person seriously.

“She’s avidly supporting Trump, and actually she’s lending the weight of the office of British prime minister which she held, albeit for a short period of time, to the pro-Trump campaign.

“We thought, she’s aligning herself with the far right in America, and sometimes, not always, but sometimes, one of the best approaches to the far right is to laugh at them.

“And so we decided to install this strategically positioned remote control lettuce banner and press the button towards the end of last night’s event.”

Liz Truss speaking with the host at Beccles Village Hall during an event to promote her book, 10 Years to Save the WestLiz Truss speaking with the host at Beccles Public Hall during an event to promote her book, 10 Years to Save the West (Image: Submitted)

The lettuce banner was not the only interruption at last night's event.

According to audience members, a heckler shouting from the lighting gantry called Ms Truss "a disgrace for crashing the economy".

The former South West Norfolk MP "showed calm and resilience" following the outburst and continued with the event, according to one eyewitness.

Mr Melchior, manager of Beccles Public Hall and who hosted the evening, said: "The venue is aware of the incident.

"This incident was entirely organised by an outside group. The venue is currently assisting the Met Police and we are glad that nobody was injured during the event."

The two incidents will prompt questions over the level of security at the event.

Liz Truss has denounced the incident.

The former PM said: "What happened last night was not funny.

"Far-left activists disrupted the event, which then had to be stopped for security reasons.

"This is done to intimidate people and suppress free speech. I won't stand for it. Would we see the same reaction if the activists were far-right?" 

Suffolk Police and the Met Police have been approached for comment.