Teenagers have been terrorising people in a market town by kicking their doors and shoving pizza through their letterboxes.

The yobbish behaviour in Halesworth has also seen flour thrown at doors, people being verbally abused and teens riding their bikes intentionally towards pedestrians.

There are reports that it has been on-going for months, and in some cases, years.

The incidents take place from any time from 4pm to the middle of the night.

It is believed the teenagers range between 13 and 16 in age.

Armorel Lambert has been a victim of the incidents.

She said:“I have had them bang on the door and kick the door.

“In the past, I’ve had flour thrown at the house too.”

Another victim said: “We have had to put more bolts on the door to just hold the door after a neighbour had their door kicked in.

“Their anti-social behaviour is getting to another level.”

Another victim said they came home to find pizza thrown on the doorstep, and the other half posted through their letterbox.

The teenagers have also been said to purposely intimidate locals in town, by “riding their bikes fast directly towards people” and being “verbally abusive”.

Many in the town feel that the incidents are occurring out of boredom.

St Mary's Church, Halesworth, hopes to open new youth centre on a Monday evening. (Image: Phoebe Ozanne, Newsquest)

Rev Gini Williams, team vicar for Blyth Valley churches, has said: “While we do not tolerate this behaviour, we need to up our game for the youth in the area.”

She hopes for a youth centre to open in the church on Monday evenings at St Mary’s church in Halesworth.

A Suffolk Police spokesman said: “Police are investigating anti-social behaviour in and around Halesworth town centre, including one report of criminal damage to a front door.

"Officers are continuing to carry out patrols in the area.

"We would advise anyone who witnesses anti-social behaviour to contact us via https://www.suffolk.police.uk/tell-us or call 101.”