A man labelled the Bungay Gimp after he was accused of following women around the town while dressed all in dark clothes and with his face covered has unmasked himself.

Josh Harper, 26, said his actions and clothing had been misunderstood and that he never intended to alarm anyone.

He has become a familiar and much-discussed figure in Bungay in recent months and police have received reports from women who have said he seemed to follow them.

Josh Harper is the man behind the mask who walks around Bungay and surrounding areasJosh Harper is the man behind the mask who walks around Bungay and surrounding areas (Image: Bruno Brown)

But officers have taken no action against him, and Mr Harper insisted he had never stalked anyone.

"I mind my own business just walking about to keep my head clear. I have better things to do with my time than to stalk people," Mr Harper said.

He said he did not deserve his gimp nickname.

"My understanding of what a gimp is is different to what I am," he said.

"The world is rough. People say hurtful stuff about me and it’s not fair but let them speak, so be it.

Josh Harper is the man behind the mask who has been roaming the streets of Bungay in his distinctive outfitJosh Harper is the man behind the mask who has been roaming the streets of Bungay in his distinctive outfit (Image: Bruno Brown)

Mr Harper is often seen around the town in the same distinctive outfit - a dark top, green combat trousers and boots, with a hood and black mask, almost completely covering his face.

He received the nickname the 'Bungay Gimp' a few months ago after a mother reported him to Suffolk Police alleging he was following her daughter on her way home from school.

READ MORE: Women intimidated by masked man they say has been 'following' them around town

The mother claimed he had followed the young girl on more than one occasion.

Josh Harper pictured walking past the Bungay Co-OpJosh Harper pictured walking past the Bungay Co-Op (Image: Bruno Brown)

Around the same time, another woman claimed that the then mystery man had changed direction to follow her as she was walking past.

"It is just ridiculous," Mr Harper said. "I am lost for words. I want people to know that I don't follow anyone. I just walk.

"I sometimes walk to Beccles, Harleston, Bungay. If that bothers people then I'm sorry but I really don't know what for."

Mr Harper said he wore the mask as it helped him in all weather.

"The mask keeps the sun off my face when it’s hot. It keeps me warm when it’s cold and also it hides my moustache because I don’t have any razors."

Mr Harper lives in Bungay but spent much of his earlier life in Earsham and then in Harleston with his family where he went to high school.

Josh Harper pictured walking through BungayJosh Harper pictured walking through Bungay (Image: Submitted)