Pupils at Holton St Peter Community Primary School assembled bird boxes through a new initiative presented by their Eco Council.

These boxes, made possible by kits provided by Halesworth Men’s Shed, are set to be placed around the school grounds.

Liz Shepherd, class teacher, facilitated this project in lieu of their usual sewing class, and said: “We were supposed to be doing sewing this term, but we’ll always find time for woodwork.”

Young students shared their experiences.

"We had to decide how big the holes should be" said Nils, nine, while others explained the challenges they faced during assembly.

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"The dowels often snapped," Charlotte, nine, and Bella, 11, added "because people were hammering them too hard!"

Mrs Shepherd announced the possibility of a similar project for future classes.

She said: “We were lucky to be able to focus on what the birds need and not have to worry about making something that humans want to buy.”